Saturday, January 16, 2010

billy elliot

what does it feel like when you're dancing?

i can't really explain it. i haven't got the words. it's a feeling that you can't control. i suppose it's like forgetting. losing who you are. but at the same time something makes you whole. it's like that there's a music playing in your ear. and i'm listening, and i'm listening and then i disappear. and then i feel a change. like a fire deep inside. something bursting me wide open impossible to hide. and suddenly i'm flying, flying like a bird. like electricity, electricity. sparks inside of me. and i'm free, i'm free. it's a bit like being angry. it's a bit like being scared. confused and all mixed up and mad as hell. it's like when you've been crying. and you're empty and you're full. but i don't know what it is. it's hard to tell.

['billy elliot: the musical', - book & lyrics by lee hall, 2005]

conozco a los papas de un billy elliot barcelones. toma ballet clasico. es el unico niño de su clase. sus compañeros del colegio le llaman transexual. llora. sus padres lo escuchan y le explican. que tener un don le hace diferente. que lo diferente asusta. que deje que el miedo lo lleven los otros. tiene ocho años. le gusta bailar. y su pelicula favorita es billy elliot.

1 comment:

Almendra said...

me ENCANTA esa pelicula.
que lindo sentirnos asi al hacer algo que nos gusta.